elena, elena, elena…

I recently had the pleasure of shooting the smart,  shiny, confident, strong, clear, and focused Elena Lipson of elenalipson.com.  We met in front of the ever so cute Tony’s Coffee House.  Of course Elena looked gorgeous as always.  I don’t just mean the outwardly  “one of the beautiful people, lucky girl”  gorgeous.  I mean the inner sparkle, heart warming, can’t be changed kind of gorgeous. The kind we are all born with that usually gets lost and shoved around by the outside world as children and well into adulthood.  Once it has been shoved, most of us have a hard time finding this “beauty and luck” we are born with, or even realizing we have it to begin with.  Some of us have had more set backs than others, stemming all the way back to before we can remember. Until we choose to realize that we are responsible for our own beauty and our own luck we will stay stuck in our very own giant puddle of self sorrow and “unlucky”.  Chronic sorrow and unlucky doesn’t  make anyone feel very beautiful.

elena has made it her business to help us all find a place of beauty within ourselves. And she is good at it!  she does this by practicing what she preaches.  it is not an over night thing.  it is a process of putting your intentions out there, knowing what you want, being present, forgiving yourself, waking up the next day, moving forward, and not giving up.   If you feel yourself going to that place of not feeling good enough when you see  these photos and read about this gorgeously talented woman, remember that you have the ability  to bring that same sparkle into your life.  Elena’s purpose is to help you to feel empowered, to help you find your gorgeously talented self she is there to encourage you to actualize your true, happy, healthy, lovely inner glow!   but, you have to do the work just like she does.  so when you look at her site, follow her blog, or follow her on facebook, it is essential that you do your best to take her suggestions and run with them.





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